By Elaine T. Cicora | Photos by Erin Toohey Naso

Dame Crickett Karson graciously welcomed more than a dozen Cleveland chapter members into her beautiful home on Monday, June 26, for our annual potluck and membership drive, where we were joined by four professional women of distinction interested in potential membership.

The evening kicked off – as all good evenings do – with food, drink and time for networking. Among the many delicious dishes on the potluck table, some of the standouts were Carmella Fragassi’s eggplant Parmesan; mushroom pate with a garnish of borage flowers, by Melissa McClelland; and freshly baked breads from Marla Monzo-Holmes.

After a short business meeting that touched upon the upcoming membership-only meeting at Coquette Patisserie, where we will welcome the LDEI International board, the networking and conversation resumed.
Thanks again to Dame Crickett for hosting the gathering, the members who brought guests, and all who provided food and drink!
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