We then heard from Ifoema Ezepue, Economic Development Manager from Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities (in charge of the CSAs for Cleveland Crops). Ifoema was born in West Africa, spending much time in her mother’s restaurant. She has a passion for helping others, and explained how this CSA helps persons with disabilities. She explained how SAW (Solutions At Work) is the non-profit affiliate of the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities that provides training and employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities in Cuyahoga County. Cleveland Crops is an agriculture and food processing training and employment program designed to create innovative work opportunities and new career choices for adults with developmental disabilities.
The evening concluded with Dames continuing on to dessert and additional time for conversation. It was a lovely evening despite the thunderstorm! Dame Maggie is presently working on our July get together!
Each Dame is reminded that if you have a woman in mind for Les Dames, they are always welcome to attend most of our meetings as a guest.